Sunday, May 31, 2015

Past, Present, and Dragons

     Today I dove deep into the clutter that I call my room. I combat dust and piles of stuff. Things from the past consume this space in a seemly endless void of what once was. I find amongst my many papers, handouts, and old assignments, stories of old. Things I wrote either as assignments for the one creative writing class I could actually take or things I would jot down whilst a professor would go on about this thing or that. Because of a recent illness my adventure had to be cut short as to not force a relapse but interesting things I found. A rare poem I wrote about a Ronin. A sort of space opera that I only completed the first few chapters of. Many fond memories and many painful ones.
     These past years have been hard. Life swings and swings hard. Many times have I been knocked down thinking I couldn't get back up. Hiding the pain that would often torment me. Trying to be strong for those that couldn't. Trying to show compassion, concealing rage in situations where I had no power to help the situation. The thing is I always got back up. I always get back up. No matter how hard I'm hit, how tough the struggle I persevere. I have to, if I don't they who will. We grow weak and complacent in an era that is wrought with perceived slights. A teen here gets called a name then the next day kills themselves never to think of the harm they inflict to those around them. We have be come a society of self-centered people and no one wants to stand on there own or take responsibility. Life is tough. Its far tougher than most people realize and what people don't understand is that everything is not just handed to you. Sometimes you have to take a few Haymakers to win the fight. Sometimes you have to get knocked down before you can truly stand. But when you do, you realize that life is a thing worth living. Bullies come and go as do victories, losses, loved ones, and even memories. Life takes much...but life also gives as much back you just have to be willing to reach out and grasp what is put before you.
     My best advice is to always get back up. Dust yourself off and keep moving. Stagnation and self loathing are our greatest enemies and only when you can clearly see what the problem is can you move forward and address it. Stay strong. Chin up.
     In other adventures my brother got me Dragon Age: Inquisition for my birthday. I am about 30 hours in...yes you read that right 3 0 hours and I don't even think that I'm half way. I know what you're thinking though, "Oh that is just a bunch of filler no way can the game be fun and that long". Well I will agree that there is a lot of what could be considered "filler", many many side quests but they aren't just thrown together things they fell like they belong. The story is interesting I played Dragon Age: Origins but I haven't played any others so many of the Dragon Age 2 jokes and references are lost on me but that's okay I enjoy them anyway. The part of the game that I find most enjoyable though is the inner character interactions. Your party members will occasionally talk amongst one another and often times to rather comical ends. I will abstain from a final verdict on this game until I finish it but it is promising so far.

If there is anything you would like to see. Games, stories, ect. Drop a comment here and I will try to accommodate.

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