Monday, August 10, 2015

It's a Desert out there.

    Today we embark on another great adventure. I just took a nice little walk to the store next door to grab a soda. It was a lovely 100 yard walk over melting concrete with a refreshing 10 mile an hour breeze from a WWII era flamethrower. Now I'm not saying it was hot or anything but at 100 degrees plus and having fairly thick, dark colored, long hair I may have well been walking on the sun. I'm honestly surprised my shoes didn't melt. But I digress this is a place of adventure not some barren wasteland on some desert planet in a galaxy far far away...or maybe it is I'm honestly not sure anymore. 
    Well it has been many a week since I have put finger to key and brought you an adventure. My day had been fairly bad from recent events and rough goings with finding some sustainable job. So I turn to one of the things that makes me happy, writing. For today's adventure we embark back to well traveled territory.
    Its a new day, a new world, the mines await and the creepers stalk waiting for me to lower my guard. Resources are plentiful in this new world animals and trees as far as the eye can see. I've honestly never been so lucky. I take a short time to gather some wood and meat and find a nice hill to set up base on. After constructing a small but nice little house I set out, to the mines. Here is where I truly thrive. Not on the surface, not in building epic masterpieces but down in the dirt with not but a pick, a shovel, and a few pieces of meat. Its the simple life that makes me happy and makes everything I build all the more special. I find a convenient cave just below my house at the base of the hill. Small for sure and sparse in resource but she'll do. I quickly go to hollowing out a subterranean base. A nice 3 high 12x12 area for me to make as a central hub for my tunnels. The work is hard but all the more worth it when I find those precious diamonds. I take a quick look at my compass and choose a wall. "Hmm north I like that. I have a good feeling about this one." Sure enough I start my decent down, deeper and deeper my staircase back up becoming longer and longer. Soon a break through. I nearly lose my footing and plummet a good ways down, but I manage to make a slight jump. Saving myself from certain doom. 
    A chasm well I certainly wasn't expecting that kind of result. Mineral rich this chasm is a figurative and literal gold mine, but the chaotic water flow and open lava pools pose a great threat. One missed step and I'm up in flames. I take stock of my surroundings and decide to just post some torches to keep the monsters at bay and return to the dig. The only way to find what I'm looking for is to dig down deeper. As I go deeper and deeper my supplies run low. My picks are all but broken, my shovel lost to an unfortunate slip of the hand and some very welcoming lava, my meat supply gone but I must press on. Finally an opening. A deep cave with 3 small lava pools and diamonds! I quickly mine them grabbing the precious loot and hurrying back home. Tired and hungry from the expedition I barely make it to my bed before collapsing but with diamonds in hand a whole new world is open all I have to do is reach out and grab it. 

    Sometimes life is a constant dig. Full of danger most are hesitant to continue after even the first close call. But you continue on, you have to. You  have to keep digging further and further down and when you find those diamonds, that prize, that light at the end of the tunnel, you can finally ascend back up to new adventures, new goals. 

Remember my friends just keep digging new adventure awaits. 

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